What better time to talk more about how to keep cool in a Knotty Pine as Western Canada is rolling through a heatwave with extreme temperatures through many of the provinces?
We often get asked how warm our homes and cabins are in the winter; however, we rarely get asked how cool they stay in the summer! Maybe it’s the fact that here in Canada we are faced with cold winter temperatures and lots of snow for the good part of the year or just simply because when we get a heat wave, it only lasts for a short period of time. Although air conditioning is a nice touch, it can also be costly and is not within everyone’s price range. So if you want to think ahead and beat the heat, here is some information on how our homes size up to the warm temperatures as well as some tips when designing your cabin with us!
– All windows are triple pane. It’s no secret that heat loss and intake can be increased when the windows/doors are of lower quality. At Knotty Pine we use all triple pane, Low E, argon-filled windows to help prevent heat loss/intake in your home.
Design your window layout to ensure a cross-breeze. As I’m sitting here in my Knotty Pine office in the plus-34-degree heat, I can confidently say that adding two windows to an office or a bedroom space on opposite walls makes a HUGE difference with airflow! A recommendation we always make to clients is to make sure that there are at least two windows opposing each other in the living room area so that a cross-breeze can be achieved in the largest area of the home.
– Invest in good quality window coverings. Make sure to cover up those windows when ;the sun in beating in! Our friends at Blinds For Your Home ;are incredibly knowledgeable when helping you choose the right window covering.
– Install a ceiling fan. We always recommend installing a ceiling fan in your great room as well as your loft if the height of the cabin you choose will permit this. Ceiling fans not only keep you cool in the summer but also help distribute the heat better throughout your home in the winter.
– Add a roof overhang or extension. Our custom roof overhangs are not only aesthetically pleasing, they also help protect your home from the sun! If you would like to learn more about our custom options, click here.
– Wall thickness & Increased Insulation Values. We pride ourselves in not only the look of our homes but also the quality of construction. All walls are 8″ thick and outside to inside include: 2×6 t&g pine, 3/8″ plywood, 2×6 studs, minimum R-22 insulation in the walls (depending on your location of build) as well as 1×6 t&g to finish off the interior. Floor and roof insulation values are a minimum of R-40 (depending on your location). Insulation values and wall thickness play a huge role in keeping the heat out during the summer months and of course keeping the heat in during the winter months.
If you’re currently sitting there sweltering in the heat, keep these tips and construction details in mind for when you are ready to design your home or cabin with us. Even if it’s only a few weeks of the year, you will be thankful when that heat wave does come rolling through! Give us a call at 780.484.2224 to start planning today!